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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 1 (2023)  /  Artículo

Optical Behavior of Nile Red in Organic and Aqueous Media Environments

Antonio Minò    
Giuseppe Cinelli    
Francesco Lopez and Luigi Ambrosone    


A simple model is proposed to calculate the dimerization constant of a dye in non-aqueous solvents. Alkan-1ols of the formula H?(CH2)n?OH are used to study the spectroscopic behavior of Nile Red dye. The number n varied from 1 to 8 to modulate the medium hydrophobicity. Generally, Nile red is used to localize lipid droplets within cells. This molecule is non-fluorescent in water and other polar solvents but undergoes fluorescence enhancement and large absorption and emission blue shifts in non-polar environments. The calculated equilibrium constants suggest that the aggregation process is solvent-assisted. The absorption and fluorescence emission spectra reveal a marked red shift, which is studied by breaking the wavelength of the maximum band into two terms, showing the contribution of the solvent and the effect of the dye concentration. Both contributions were investigated as a function of the number n, and it was found that alkan-1ols with large n tend to aggregate and produce a smaller red shift. Conversely, it was also noticed that short-chain alkan-1ols stabilize the excited state of the dye via H-bond and the red shift increases. The hydrophilicity of the medium was found to be modulated by adding pure water, in a controlled way, to the binary systems dye?H?(CH2)n?OH (n = 1?8). The quantification of solvent hydrophilicity is described with the ratio R = water moles/alcohol moles. From this investigation, we realized that the absorption spectra values are strictly connected with the R parameter. In this context, we realized that fluorescence emission spectra allow us to determine the adjustable parameters.

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