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On Solitary Wave Breaking and Impact on a Horizontal Deck

Jiaqi Liu and Masoud Hayatdavoodi    


The impact of waves and bores generated by broken solitary waves on horizontal decks of coastal structures was studied by solving the Navier?Stokes equations. Solitary waves of different amplitudes were considered, and submerged ramps were used to bring the waves to the breaking point. The horizontal fixed deck was located downwave of the ramp and placed at various elevations above and below the still-water level. The results include the surface elevation of the wave and the bore-induced horizontal and vertical forces on the deck. The results were compared with laboratory measurements and those due to the bore generated by breaking a reservoir, and a discussion is provided on the relative magnitude of the loads. It is found that breaking solitary waves and dam-break provide reasonable loading conclusions for tsunamis events.

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