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Innovation Concept Model and Prototype Validation of Robotic Fish with a Spatial Oscillating Rigid Caudal Fin

Shuyan Wang    
Yu Han and Shiteng Mao    


Inspired by carangiform fish with a high-aspect ratio of the caudal fin?s up-down swing, but also by dolphins with a similar caudal fin?s left-right swing, a robotic fish with a spatial oscillating rigid caudal fin is implemented to optimize propulsion and maneuverability, whose orientation could be transformed to any position of a taper domain. First, three steering-engines were adopted to make the conceptual prototype, and an experimental apparatus for measuring thrust, lift forces, lateral forces and torque was developed. Then, three comparison experiments, respectively corresponding to the three modes of cruise, diving and maneuvering in random space, were conducted to imitate bionic fish?s hydrodynamics. The comparison results of the experiments proved that propelling and maneuvering in any direction could be realized through changing the orientation of the spatial oscillating rigid caudal fin.

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