The City of David constitutes one of the most important commercial centers of the Republic of Panama. However, it is located on a coastal plane, close to an area with high seismic activity and has been affected by significant earthquakes (18 July 1934, Mw = 7.4 and 12 March 1962, Mw = 6.7). The goal of this study is to estimate the seismic effects and to classify the soil in the City of David. The experimental work entailed the measurement of environmental noise for H/V spectral ratio (HVSR) analyzed at 22 stations. A series of microtremor refraction studies (ReMi) at six stations distributed from north to south of the city was also performed. The stations were distributed around urban areas of the city, which are characterized by the presence of water supply, sewerage, buildings, roads, etc. The spectral analysis of environmental noise allowed the generation of three different types of maps: First, predominant frequency maps (f0) with zones composed mainly of rigid and semi-rigid soils in the southern end of the city and rigid soils in the central and northern regions. Secondly, maximum H/V amplitude maps (A0) which evidence a low range of HVSR amplitude in the city, ranging from 1.1 to 3.8. Finally, liquefaction vulnerability (Kg) maps, with values less than 2 Hz-1, representative of a low liquefaction risk. Soil classification using ReMi and calculation of the corresponding Vs30 reveal type D soils, which correlate well with results obtained using HVSR analyses. A comparison between HVSR and ReMi shows that HVSR curves that exhibit clear peaks tend to be related to ReMi stations that presented relatively large shear-wave velocity contrasts at some depth. The results from this research are intended to aid the decision-making process related to the future development of the city, as well as government level maintenance and mitigation plans.