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Inicio  /  Hydrology  /  Vol: 9 Par: 8 (2022)  /  Artículo

Towards Informed Water Resources Planning and Management

Paolo Reggiani    
Amal Talbi and Ezio Todini    


In Water Resources Planning and Management, decision makers, although unsure of future outcomes, must take the most reliable and assuring decisions. Deterministic and probabilistic prediction techniques, combined with optimization tools, have been widely used to meet the objective of improving planning as well as management. Bayesian decision approaches are available to link probabilistic predictions to optimized decision schemes, but scientists are not fully able to express themselves in a language familiar to decision makers, who fear basing their decisions on ?uncertain? forecasts in the vain belief that deterministic forecasts are more informative and reliable. This situation is even worse in the case of climate change projections, which bring additional degrees of uncertainty into the picture. Therefore, a need emerges to create a common approach and means of communication between scientists, who deal with optimization tools, probabilistic predictions and long-term projections, and operational decision makers, who must be facilitated in understanding, accepting, and acknowledging the benefits arising from operational water resources management based on probabilistic predictions and projections. Our aim here was to formulate the terms of the problem and the rationale for explaining and involving decision makers with the final objective of using probabilistic predictions/projections in their decision-making processes.

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