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Inicio  /  Computation  /  Vol: 11 Par: 8 (2023)  /  Artículo

Diffusion Kinetics Theory of Removal of Assemblies? Surface Deposits with Flushing Oil

Michael Vigdorowitsch    
Valery V. Ostrikov    
Alexander N. Pchelintsev and Irina Yu. Pchelintseva    


The diffusion kinetics theory of cleaning assemblies such as combustion engines with flushing oil has been introduced. Evolution of tar deposits on the engine surfaces and in the lube system has been described through the erosion dynamics. The time-dependent concentration pattern related to hydrodynamic (sub)layers around the tar deposit has been uncovered. Nonlinear equations explaining the experimentally observed dependences for scouring the contaminants off with the oil have been derived and indicate the power law in time. For reference purposes, a similar analysis based on formal chemical kinetics has been accomplished. Factors and scouring parameters for the favor of either mechanism have been discussed. Any preference for either diffusion or chemical kinetics should be based on a careful selection of washing agents in the flushing oil. Future directions of studies are proposed.

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