Using the VORTEX v. 10. 5.0.0, population viability analysis (PVA) was performed for Yangtze finless porpoise (YFP, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) in the highest density section between Hukou and Meilong section (HMS) of the Yangtze River. Baseline model showed that this population was in a relatively vulnerability state; the deterministic growth rate (Det-r) was -0.0230; the stochastic growth rate (Stoch-r) was -0.0385; the probability of extinction (PE) was 0.5690; the mean population size of extant populations (N-extant) was 22; the genetic diversity (GD) was 0.7698. Under the general protection model, the Det-r was 0.0015, and the Stoch-r was -0.0092; Under the medium protection model, the Det-r was 0.0219, and the Stoch-r was 0.0144; Under the optimal protection model, the Det-r was 0.0383, and the Stoch-r was 0.0357. Sensitivity analysis found that adult females breeding rate, sex ratio at birth, and mortality rate of juvenile YFP were sensitive to maintaining population stability. The PVA showed that the conservation of YFP population in HMS depends on: neutralization of all threats affecting YFP population in the HMS; maintenance and, whenever possible, enhancement of the functional connectivity of the waterbody, increasing the food resources of YFP and reducing the risk of injury to YFP caused by human.