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Inicio  /  Geosciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 10 (2019)  /  Artículo

The Origin of Dissolved Sulphate in the Thermal Waters of Budapest Inferred from Stable S and O Isotopes

István Fórizs    
Viktória Rita Szabó    
József Deák    
Stanislaw Halas    
Andrzej Pelc    
Andrzej Trembaczowski and Árpád Lorberer    


The thermal waters produced by wells and springs from the Buda Thermal Karst in Budapest and its surroundings are rich in dissolved sulphate. Radiocarbon ages indicate that waters of T >45 ? were infiltrated during the Ice Age (more than 11 thousand years ago), on the higher elevations of the Buda-Pilis Hills, whereas waters of lower temperatures were infiltrated during the Holocene. For the origin of dissolved sulphate, two hypotheses can be set up: (1) the dissolved sulphate originates from the oxidation of the sulphide (pyrite) of Oligocene Clay Formation; (2) it is the dissolution product of the sulphate minerals (gypsum and anhydrite) of older carbonaceous rocks (limestone and dolomite). The isotopically stable sulphur composition of the dissolved sulphate in the thermal water (d34S = 9.7? to 17.7?) indicates its marine origin, so likely it dissolved from the older Permian evaporites.

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