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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 14 Par: 4 (2021)  /  Artículo

Chaos and Stability in a New Iterative Family for Solving Nonlinear Equations

Alicia Cordero    
Marlon Moscoso-Martínez and Juan R. Torregrosa    


In this paper, we present a new parametric family of three-step iterative for solving nonlinear equations. First, we design a fourth-order triparametric family that, by holding only one of its parameters, we get to accelerate its convergence and finally obtain a sixth-order uniparametric family. With this last family, we study its convergence, its complex dynamics (stability), and its numerical behavior. The parameter spaces and dynamical planes are presented showing the complexity of the family. From the parameter spaces, we have been able to determine different members of the family that have bad convergence properties, as attracting periodic orbits and attracting strange fixed points appear in their dynamical planes. Moreover, this same study has allowed us to detect family members with especially stable behavior and suitable for solving practical problems. Several numerical tests are performed to illustrate the efficiency and stability of the presented family.

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