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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 13 (2019)  /  Artículo

A Model-Based Approach of Foreground Region of Interest Detection for Video Codecs

Zhewei Zhang    
Tao Jing    
Bowen Ding    
Meilin Gao and Xuejing Li    


Detecting the Region of Interest (ROI) for video clips is a significant and useful technique both in video codecs and surveillance/monitor systems. In this paper, a new model-based detection method is designed which suits video compression codecs by proposing two models: an ?inter? and ?intra? model. The ?inter? model exploits the motion information represented as blocks by global motion compensation approaches while the ?intra? model extracts the objects details through objects filtering and image segmentation procedures. Finally, the detection results are formed through a new clustering with fine-tune approach from the ?intra? model assisted with the ?inter? model. Experimental results show that the proposed method fits well for real-time video codecs and it achieves a good performance both on detection precision and on computing time. In addition, the proposed method is versatile for a wide range of surveillance videos with different characteristics.

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