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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 15 (2020)  /  Artículo

Longitudinal Study on Construction Organization?s BIM Acceptance

Seulki Lee and Jungho Yu    


The Korean domestic market is focused on the introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling) owing to an influx of investment due to increased interest and mandatory application of BIM. However, the rate of BIM introduction is high, while BIM user proficiency is low. Against these problems, the authors proposed an acceptance model for BIM in construction organizations in 2012. As the number of BIM application cases increases and the number of BIM-trained users increases as time goes on, BIM users? positive perception of BIM values are expected to increase, which may change the BIM acceptance mechanism. Therefore, we conducted a longitudinal study of the 2012 BIM acceptance model against 2019 data to estimate changes in factors affecting BIM acceptance attitudes as well as the mechanism of the relationships between factors over time spent using the technology. To generalize the results, the respondents were spread across construction sites. The data obtained 119 samples from a sample of experienced users of BIM. We used AMOS 21.0 for hypothesis testing of structural equation modeling (SEM), and the 2019 BIM acceptance model was compared against the 2012 acceptance model using an independent sample t-test. As a result, it was confirmed that the 2012 BIM acceptance model is still suitable for describing the BIM acceptance mechanism of the construction organization, and there was a difference between the 2012 model and the 2019 model. This seems to have changed the mechanism of BIM acceptance by being change perception of BIM users as time goes on. The results of this study can be used to establish a BIM activation strategy for each BIM acceptance stage and are expected to be applicable to establishing a BIM activation strategy for construction organizations or countries with similar BIM acceptance stage.

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