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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

Radio Link Model for Node Deployment in Underground Mine Sensor Networks

Saleem Shahid    
Hijab Zahra    
Saad Bin Qaisar    
Ijaz Haider Naqvi    
Syed Muzahir Abbas and Subhas Mukhopadhyay    


This paper presents an experimental characterization of the proposed radio link model for an underground mine sensor network. Power efficiency and range are critical factors to consider when designing a wireless sensor network, particularly for low data rate applications where the goal is to have a long-lasting, low-maintenance network. A ?deploy and forget? strategy is desirable because it allows the network to operate autonomously without requiring frequent maintenance or intervention from network operators. DASH7 and IEEE 802.15.4f are both excellent choices for low-power, long-range wireless sensor networking applications. The proposed radio link model was developed and evaluated for 433 MHz DASH7 in underground mines, considering the practical electromagnetic properties of mine walls and the propagation medium, which helps in calculating accurate signal characteristics. Radio wave propagation is a critical factor that needs to be considered when designing a wireless sensor network for complex mine structures. The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and packet error rate (PER) are two key parameters that are used to measure wave propagation and assess the quality of the radio link between sensor nodes. The radio link design has been optimized for complex mine structures by utilizing these parameters in a model, leading to improved performance and reliability. The measurements were carried out in the world?s second largest salt mine at Khewra, Pakistan, with representative irregular mine structures. The RSSI and PER were measured at different node positions and with variable separation between the nodes. The proposed model allows for the easy placement of nodes on either the rooftop or near the side walls of the mine corridors, with an average variation of 6% in RSSI and 1.9% in PER. The proposed model was validated using off-the-shelf wizzi sensor nodes received from Wizzi Lab, France, and was programmed to measure RSSI and PER while operating under the 433 MHz DASH7 protocol. An agreement between modeled and measured parameters has been noted, making the proposed model a decent method for efficient node deployment in underground mine sensor networks.

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