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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 10 Par: 10 (2018)  /  Artículo

Efficiency of Flood Control Measures in a Sewer System Located in the Mediterranean Basin

Martín Hermoso    
María Jesús García-Ruiz and Francisco Osorio    


Pollution induced by surface runoff in urban areas constitutes a significant problem. The adoption of control measures aimed at improving the quality of recipient water bodies is a fundamental issue in the management of Mediterranean Basin sewer systems. Previous research in Mediterranean areas using small virtual basins has shown that rainfall regimes have a limited impact on the pollutant load and discharge flowing into a receiving body. The aim of our research was to identify a sizing methodology for stormwater tanks located in the Mediterranean Basin. To achieve this, a numerical model of a sewer system, located in the Southern Iberian Peninsula, was developed. Different patterns related to peak periods of rainfall were considered. Furthermore, efficiency indices were used to evaluate and compare the effects of having a stormwater tank in the system. In our study (which considered a real area), significantly varied values were obtained for the pollution load removal rate (?) and the receiver overflow rate (?). We nevertheless observed that, in our catchment, at a specific volume of V = 60 m3/ha, ? and ? reached constant values without experiencing any significant improvement (? = 0.673 and ? = 0.133). Based on our model, this volume was proposed for the stormwater tank. The ATV (German Association for Water Pollution Control) A 128 standard was applied in order to validate the results, and the specific volume obtained (V = 60 m3/ha) matched with the one proposed. Thus, our proposed methodology is simple and different, and it is very easy to apply by obtaining the values of the efficiency indices ? and ? through the development of a Storm Water Management Model (SWMM).

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