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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 21 (2020)  /  Artículo

A Simple Scheme for Photonic Generation of Microwave Waveforms Using a Dual-drive Mach?Zehnder Modulator

Jingjing Hu    
Jian Li    
Jiayi Zhao    
Zichen Ren    
Yiying Gu and Mingshan Zhao    


In this paper, a novel photonic scheme for the generation of square and triangular waveforms is proposed and experimentally demonstrated by using a dual-drive Mach?Zehnder modulator (DDMZM) without any optical signal processing. By properly setting the modulation index of the DDMZM, the square and triangular microwave waveforms could be easily achieved in conjunction with a 90° hybrid coupler. Furthermore, the modulation index of the DDMZM could be tuned for a low radio frequency (RF) signal power requirement by tuning the phase difference of the RF signals applied to the two arms of the DDMZM. The proposed scheme for the photonic generation of microwave waveforms is theoretically analyzed and experimentally demonstrated. The periodical triangular and square waveforms with repetition rates of 5 GHz, 8 GHz, and 10 GHz are successfully obtained. The root-mean-square errors between the generated and theoretical triangular and square waveforms with a repetition of 5 GHz are 0.042 and 0.053, respectively.

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