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Derivation of Engineering Design Criteria for Flow Field Around Intake Structure: A Numerical Simulation Study

Lee Hooi Chie and Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab    


The primary environmental impact caused by seawater intake operation is marine life impingement resulting from the intake velocity. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of United State has regulated the use of velocity cap fitted at intake structures to reduce the marine life impingement. The engineering design parameters of velocity cap has not been well explored to date. This study has been set to determine the fundamental relationships between intake velocity and design parameters of velocity cap, using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model. A set of engineering design criteria for velocity cap design are derived. The numerical evidence yielded in this study show that the velocity cap should be designed with vertical opening (Hvc) and horizontal shelf (lvc). The recommended intake opening ratio (Or) shall be 0.36 Vr-0.31, where Or = Hvc/lvc and Vr =V0/Vpipe. Vo is the velocity at the intake window and Vpipe is the suction velocity at the intake pipe. The volume ratio (?r) between the velocity cap (?vc) and intake tower (?IT) is recommended at 0.11 Vr-1.23. The positive outlooks that yielded from this study can be served as a design reference for velocity cap to mitigate the detrimental impacts from the existing intake structure.

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