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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 9 (2022)  /  Artículo

Influence of Process Parameters on Filling and Feeding Capacity during High-Pressure Die-Casting Process

Tingli Wang    
Jian Huang    
Hongyuan Fu    
Ke Yu and Shan Yao    


The quality of high-pressure die casting (HPDC) is largely determined by the process parameters. The objective is to study the influence of process parameters on melt filling and feeding capacity. The research is carried out by means of numerical simulations and orthogonal experiments. The results show that the influence of process parameters is different. The piston velocity of the fast stage has the most obvious impact. As the piston velocity of the fast stage increases, the filling capacity and feeding capacity also increase. The melt injection temperature should not be too low; otherwise, it would be easy to cause gas porosity. The piston velocity of the slow stage should not be too high; otherwise, it would cause air entrainment. The influence of the pressure maintaining time is not obvious due to the ingate solidifying prematurely. The recommended process parameters are a melt injection temperature of 660?680 °C, a piston velocity of 0.1?0.2 m/s in the slow stage, and a piston velocity 2.4?3.2 m/s in the fast stage. This also suggests that appropriate technology should be adopted to delay the solidification time of the ingate in order to realize the feeding effect of pressurization.

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