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Vertical Configuration of a Side Scan Sonar for the Monitoring of Posidonia oceanica Meadows

Susana Llorens-Escrich    
Elena Tamarit    
Sebastián Hernandis    
Noela Sánchez-Carnero    
Miguel Rodilla    
Isabel Pérez-Arjona    
Marek Moszynski    
Vicente Puig-Pons    
José Tena-Medialdea and Víctor Espinosa    


Posidonia oceanica meadows are ecosystem engineers that play several roles in marine environment maintenance. In this sense, monitoring of the spatial distribution and health status of their meadows is key to make decisions about protecting them against their degradation. With the aim of checking the ability of a simple low-cost acoustic method to acquire information about the state of P. oceanica meadows as ecosystem indicators, ground-truthing and acoustic data were acquired over several of these meadows on the Levantine coast of Spain. A 200 kHz side scan sonar in a vertical configuration was used to automatically estimate shoot density, canopy height and cover of the meadows. The wide athwartship angle of the transducer together with its low cost and user friendliness entail the main advantages of this system and configuration: both improved beam path and detection invariance against boat rolling. The results show that canopy height can be measured acoustically. Furthermore, the accumulated intensity of the echoes from P. oceanica in the first 30 centimeters above the bottom is indirectly related to shoot density and cover, showing a relation that should be studied deeply.

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