Unreasonable fertilization often fails to match crop yield and nutrient requirements, leading to low crop yield, the waste of mineral resources, and increased costs for farmers. A survey of the potato yield and fertilization of farmers was conducted in Haidong City of Qinghai Province for three consecutive years (2017?2019) torecommend reasonable fertilizer application. The results showed that the required amount of NPK fertilizer per ton of potato was 4.85 kg N, 1.26 kg P2O5, and 6.98 kg K2O, respectively. The potato yields ranged from 7500 to 66,429 kg ha-1, with an average of 26,069 kg ha-1. The average N, P, and Kfertilizers (in the form of N, P2O5, and K2O, respectively) applied by the farmers were 213 kg N ha-1, 202 kg P2O5ha-1, and 43 kg K2O ha-1. More than 60% of the farmers appliedtoo much Nand Pfertilizers and too little Kfertilizer. Therefore, the farmers with lowyieldsshould reduce the application of Nand P fertilizers by a range of 41?220 kg ha-1 and 24?265 kg ha-1. Allthe farmers should increase Kfertilizer use by 7?273 kg ha-1. Reasonable fertilization could effectively conserve resources, improve economic efficiency, and reduce environmental impact.