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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 12 (2021)  /  Artículo

NOx Reduction Pathways during LNT Operation over Ceria Containing Catalysts: Effect of Copper Presence and Barium Content

Juan Carlos Martínez-Munuera    
Javier A. Giménez-Mañogil    
Roberto Matarrese    
Lidia Castoldi and Avelina García-García    


Ceria-based catalysts, with Cu in substitution of noble metals, were studied in a vertical microreactor system under isothermal conditions, where NOx was previously stored, followed by the reduction step conducted under H2. The possible remaining ad-NOx species after the reduction stage, were investigated by Temperature Programmed Desorption in He. In situ DRIFTS was used as a complementary technique for the analysis of the surface species formation/transformation on the catalysts? surface. Catalysts containing both Ba and Cu were found to be selective in the NOx reduction, producing N2 and minor amounts of NH3 during the reduction step, as well as NO. The different ceria-based formulations (containing copper and/or barium) were prepared and tested at two different temperatures in the NOx reduction (NSR) processes. Their catalytic activities were analyzed in terms of their compositions and have been useful in the elucidation of the possible origin and relevant pathways for NOx reduction product formation, which seems to involve the oxygen vacancies of the ceria-based materials (whose generation seems to be promoted by copper) during the rich step. The scope of this work involves an interdisciplinary study of the impact that catalysts? formulations (noble metal-free) have on their LNT performance under simulated conditions, thus covering aspects of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering in a highly applied context, related to the development of control strategies for hybrid powertrains and/or the reduction of the impact of cold-start emissions.

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