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Inicio  /  Infrastructures  /  Vol: 7 Par: 10 (2022)  /  Artículo

A Multidimensional Analysis of Factors Impacting Mobility of Open-Access Multilane Highways

Jamal Ahmed Khan    
Muhammad Bilal Khurshid    
Arshad Hussain and Asif Azam    


Open-access multilane highways have a significant share in the highway network of Pakistan and other developing countries in Asia. These highways have high access density, design inconsistency, and other operational characteristics that differentiate them from partially controlled-access multilane highways. This study identified significant factors affecting the mobility of open-access highways based on road users? perceptions as well as field observations. An interview-based questionnaire survey from local respondents and an in-service road survey formed the database for the present study. Questionnaire survey results showed that heavy traffic was the most critical mobility influencing factor on open-access multilane highways, followed by road width and condition, whereas the result of multilinear regression revealed that the most significant variable was access density, followed by the flow and pedestrian crossings. However, it was concluded that controlling access density, preventing pedestrian crossings, and improving pavement condition will improve the mobility of open-access multilane highways.

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