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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 11 (2021)  /  Artículo

Variable Neighborhood Strategy Adaptive Search to Solve Parallel-Machine Scheduling to Minimize Energy Consumption While Considering Job Priority and Control Makespan

Rujapa Nanthapodej    
Cheng-Hsiang Liu    
Krisanarach Nitisiri and Sirorat Pattanapairoj    


Environmental concerns and rising energy prices put great pressure on the manufacturing industry to reduce pollution and save energy. Electricity is one of the main machinery energy sources in a plant; thus, reducing energy consumption both saves energy costs and protects our planet. This paper proposes the novel method called variable neighborhood strategy adaptive search (VaNSAS) in order to minimize energy consumption while also considering job priority and makespan control for parallel-machine scheduling problems. The newly presented neighborhood strategies of (1) solution destroy and repair (SDR), (2) track-transition method (TTM), and (3) multiplier factor (MF) were proposed and tested against the original differential evaluation (DE), current practice procedure (CU), SDR, TTM, and MF for three groups of test instances, namely small, medium, and large. Experimental results revealed that VaNSAS outperformed DE, CU, SDR, TTM, and MF, as it could find the optimal solution and the mathematical model in the small test instance, while the DE could only find 25%, and the others could not. In the remaining test instances, VaNSAS performed 16.35?19.55% better than the best solution obtained from Lingo, followed by DE, CU, SDR, TTM, and MF, which performed 7.89?14.59% better. Unfortunately, the CU failed to improve the solution and had worse performance than that of Lingo, including all proposed methods.

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