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Modelling Place Visit Probability Sequences during Trajectory Data Gaps Based on Movement History

Chang Ren    
Luliang Tang    
Jed Long    
Zihan Kan and Xue Yang    


The acquisition of human trajectories facilitates movement data analytics and location-based services, but gaps in trajectories limit the extent in which many tracking datasets can be utilized. We present a model to estimate place visit probabilities at time points within a gap, based on empirical mobility patterns derived from past trajectories. Different from previous models, our model makes use of prior information from historical data to build a chain of empirically biased random walks. Therefore, it is applicable to gaps of varied lengths and can be fitted to empirical data conveniently. In this model, long gaps are broken into a chain of multiple episodes according to past patterns, while short episodes are estimated with anisotropic location transition probabilities. Experiments show that our model is able to hit almost 60% of the ground truth for short gaps of several minutes and over 40% for longer gaps up to weeks. In comparison, existing models are only able to hit less than 10% and 1% for short and long gaps, respectively. Visit probability distributions estimated by the model are useful for generating paths in data gaps, and have potential for disaggregated movement data analysis in uncertain environments.

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