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Inicio  /  Computation  /  Vol: 5 Par: 3 (2017)  /  Artículo

Modified Equation of Shock Wave Parameters

DooJin Jeon    
KiTae Kim and SangEul Han    


Among the various blast load equations, the Kingery-Bulmash equation is applicable to both a free-air burst and a surface burst that enables calculations of the parameters of a pressure-time history curve. On the other hand, this equation is quite complicated. This paper proposes a modified equation that may replace the conventional Kingery-Bulmash equation. The proposed modified equation, which was constructed by performing curve-fitting of this equation, requires a brief calculation process with a simpler equation compared to the original equation. The modified equation is also applicable to both types of bursts and has the same calculable scaled distance range as the conventional equation. The calculation results obtained using the modified equation were similar to the results obtained from the original equation with a less than 1% difference.

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