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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 15 Par: 15 (2023)  /  Artículo

Flow Rate Optimization in a Flat-Panel Photobioreactor for the Cultivation of Microalgae for Mitigating Waste Gas

Srijoni Banerjee    
Soumendu Dasgupta    
Arnab Atta    
Debabrata Das    
Deen Dayal    
Sumira Malik    
Harshavardhan Kumar    
Shristi Kishore    
Sarvesh Rustagi and Abdulmajeed G. Almutary    


Biofuel production is a renewable energy resource that is not only the most stabilized source of energy but also one of the sustainable alternatives to non-renewable-sourced fuels. Microalgal biomass is emerging as a third-generation biofuel owing to its high lipid content. The specific biomass concentration and lipid content are responsible for direct biodiesel production. Computational Fluid Dynamics (C.F.D.) studies are gaining importance due to the luxury of exploration without requiring a considerable capital cost. The microalgal strains of Chlorella sorokiniana have shown the maximum specific growth rate of 0.11 h-1 among several algal species and contain 19% w w-1 lipid. Characterization reveals that the lipid content is suitable for biodiesel production. CO2 sequestration, biodiesel production, and secondary metabolites by green algae, C. sorokiniana, are reported in this work. A C.F.D. study is also being conducted for the flat-panel photobioreactor.

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