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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 13 Par: 7 (2020)  /  Artículo

Polyhedral DC Decomposition and DCA Optimization of Piecewise Linear Functions

Andreas Griewank and Andrea Walther    


For piecewise linear functions ??:R???R f : R n ? R we show how their abs-linear representation can be extended to yield simultaneously their decomposition into a convex ??? f ? and a concave part ??^ f ^ , including a pair of generalized gradients ????R?????^ g ? ? R n ? g ^ . The latter satisfy strict chain rules and can be computed in the reverse mode of algorithmic differentiation, at a small multiple of the cost of evaluating f itself. It is shown how ??? f ? and ??^ f ^ can be expressed as a single maximum and a single minimum of affine functions, respectively. The two subgradients ??? g ? and -??^ - g ^ are then used to drive DCA algorithms, where the (convex) inner problem can be solved in finitely many steps, e.g., by a Simplex variant or the true steepest descent method. Using a reflection technique to update the gradients of the concave part, one can ensure finite convergence to a local minimizer of f, provided the Linear Independence Kink Qualification holds. For piecewise smooth objectives the approach can be used as an inner method for successive piecewise linearization.

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