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Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of the Wake Fields Behind A Panamax Bulker Ship Model Under the Ballast Condition

Tiecheng Wu    
Wanzhen Luo    
Dapeng Jiang    
Rui Deng and Yulong Li    


Particle image velocimetry is applied in this study to measure the wake flow field of a Panamax Bulker ship model under the ballast condition. This investigation revealed that the Froude number is 0.167. The time-averaged velocity, turbulent fluctuations, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), Reynolds stresses, and vorticity information were measured to perform a comparison with the design condition. The time-averaged velocity contours indicated that the ballast and design conditions have distinct hook-like axial velocity contours; however, they appeared at different positions. The big difference under the ballast condition is that the top of the propeller disk area is near the free surface and a region with strong root mean square velocity fluctuation is formed near the free surface. The TKE, the Reynolds stresses, and the hub cap vortex (Hcv) are all affected by the turbulent velocity fluctuation region under the ballast condition. A strong bilge vortex (Bv) is produced when the water flows through the U-shaped stern for the design and ballast conditions.

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