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Inicio  /  Geosciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 2 (2021)  /  Artículo

Laboratory Studies Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Fiber Optic Techniques to Detect Seepage Zones in River Embankments

Azadeh Hojat    
Maddalena Ferrario    
Diego Arosio    
Marco Brunero    
Vladislav Ivov Ivanov    
Laura Longoni    
Andrea Madaschi    
Monica Papini    
Greta Tresoldi and Luigi Zanzi    


We present the results of laboratory experiments on a down-scaled river levee constructed with clayey material collected from a river embankment where a permanent resistivity instrument has operated since 2015. To create potential seepages through the levee, two zones (5 × 4 cm and 10 × 2 cm) were filled with sand during the levee construction. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique and Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) technology were used to study time-lapse variations due to seepage. The ERT profile was spread on the levee crest and the Wenner array with unit electrode spacing a = 3 cm was used. Six organic modified ceramics (ORMOCER) coated 250 µm-diameter fibers were deployed in different parts of the levee. Time-lapse measurements were performed for both techniques from the beginning of each experiment when water was added to the river side until the water was continuously exiting from the seepage zones. The results showed that ERT images could detect seepages from the early stages. Although with a short delay compared to ERT, fiber optic sensors also showed their ability to detect water infiltrations by measuring temperature changes. Both technologies being successful, a discussion about respective peculiarities and pros and cons is proposed to suggest some criteria in choosing the proper technique according to the specific needs.

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