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Inicio  /  Applied System Innovation  /  Vol: 6 Par: 6 (2023)  /  Artículo

Application of Segmented and Prestressed Supporting Structures in Bridge Crane Systems: Potentials and Challenges

Jan Oellerich and Keno Jann Büscher    


In this paper, an alternative design approach to the construction of bridge crane systems is analyzed with respect to the potentials and challenges of use based on two possible construction methods. Compared to conventional crane bridges, which are manufactured as a single part, the innovation of the approach relates to designing the crane bridge in segments and assembling it from standardized individual components, which are small in dimension, to form a plug-in structure. These are then prestressed by means of a tensile member to establish the load-bearing capacity. The motivation of the alternative design concept arises from a challenging manufacturing and costly transportation of common crane bridges. Here, the different design approaches are first presented as to how a segmental crane bridge can be constructed and which function the involved components fulfill. In this context, the novel construction method also gives rise to new constraints that are not covered by the common design standards and are therefore discussed. The paper concludes with a comparative study to identify advantages and disadvantages of both concepts regarding defined criteria with the aim of determining design improvements and elaborates the potentials and challenges of the approach with respect to a future industrial implementation. Moreover, these findings additionally form the basis for further research work in this area.

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