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Inicio  /  Agriculture  /  Vol: 12 Par: 5 (2022)  /  Artículo

The Impact of the Renovation of Grassland on the Development of Segetal Weeds in Organic Farming

Eliza Gawel    
Mieczyslaw Grzelak    
Boguslawa Waliszewska and Magdalena Janyszek-Soltysiak    


The intensive use or discontinuation of the use of swards can compromise biodiversity, yields, and feed quality; thus, leading to the degradation of permanent grasslands. Various methods of renovation are employed to restore the usability of degraded swards. In the years 2013?2016, a monofactorial field experiment was carried out on the Experimental Farm in Grabów (province of Mazowieckie, Poland). The experiment involved swards being reseeded after ploughing (P) and after disking with a compact harrow (H), with a non-renovated sward as the control treatment. The plots under renovation were reseeded with a lucerne?grass mixture. Both seedbed preparation methods for the renewed sward, ploughing (P) or shallow disking to a depth of 5 cm (H), were found to be effective for increasing sward yields, restricting weed growth, and reducing the number of weeds in the sward. The ploughing-based renovation method (P) had a strongly restrictive effect on biodiversity, as expressed by the H? function value vis-à-vis the harrow method (H) and the non-renewed control (NR). Dicotyledonous species accounted for 92.3% of the weed population in the studied treatments. Of these, Taraxacum officinale, Achillea milefolium, Capsella bursa-pastoris, and Plantago maior occurred in the highest numbers.

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