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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 9 Par: 11 (2017)  /  Artículo

?In-Process Type? Dynamic Muskingum Model Parameter Estimation Method

Gang Zhang    
Tuo Xie    
Lei Zhang    
Xia Hua    
Chen Wu    
Xi Chen    
Fangfeng Li and Bin Zhao    


This paper discusses the Muskingum model as a novel parameter estimation method. Sixty representative floods over the past four decades serve as research objects; a linear Muskingum model and Pigeon-inspired optimization (PIO) algorithm are used to obtain the parameters of each flood. The proposed ?in-process type? dynamic parameter estimation (IP-DPE) method is used to establish the characteristic attributes set of 50 floods. The characteristic attributes set refers to a set of parameters that could describe the shape, magnitude, and duration of the flood before flood peak; they are the input, whereas parameters K and x of each flood are the output to establish a Neural Network model. Then we input flood characteristic attributes to obtain flood parameters when estimating flood parameters practically. Ten floods were used to test the parameter estimation and flood routing efficacy. The results show that the IP-DPE method can quickly identify parameters and facilitate accurate river flood forecasting.

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