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Inicio  /  Applied System Innovation  /  Vol: 6 Par: 5 (2023)  /  Artículo

Multicriteria Decision Making in Tourism Industry Based on Visualization of Aggregation Operators

Sergey Sakulin and Alexander Alfimtsev    


The modern tourist industry is characterized by an abundance of applied multicriteria decision-making tasks. Several researchers have demonstrated that such tasks can be effectively resolved using aggregation operators based on fuzzy integrals and fuzzy measures. At the same time, the implementation of this mathematical tool is limited by weak intuitive understanding by the practicing specialists of the aggregation process as well as fuzzy measures in general. Some researchers have proposed different aggregation visualization methods, but these methods have several properties that block their wide implementation in decision-making practice. The purpose of this study is to develop a decision-making approach that will allow practitioners to have a clear intuitive vision of the aggregation process and fuzzy measures. This article proposes an approach to decision making in the tourist industry based on the synthesis of the aggregation operator that includes 3D visualization graphics in virtual reality. Firstly, some research devoted to decision-making methods in tourism was assessed along with ?smart? tourism, aggregation operators and their visualization. Secondly, a 3D visualization in the form of a balance model was introduced. Thirdly, the method of aggregation-operator synthesis based on the 3D balance model and the 2-order Choquet integral was developed. Finally, an illustrational example of implementing such an approach for resolving the task of assessing and choosing a hotel was described.

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