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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 21 (2022)  /  Artículo

Monitoring of the Dehydration Process of Apple Snacks with Visual Feature Extraction and Image Processing Techniques

Diana Baigts-Allende    
Milena Ramírez-Rodrígues and Roberto Rosas-Romero    


Monitoring food processing is mandatory for controlling and ensuring product quality. Most of the used techniques are destructive, arduous, and time-consuming. Non-destructive analyses are convenient for rapid and conservative food quality assessment. Color images of apple slices during the manufacturing of healthy snacks were used for monitoring the drying processing. The implementation of the image-based analysis was straightforward, feasible, and low-cost. The parameters analyzed during imagen acquisition for normalizing were: contrast enhancement, binarization, and morphologic processing, varying the illumination and reference between the positions of the camera and object under analysis. Several apple features related to color, texture, and shape were extracted with computer vision techniques and also analyzed. During image analysis, the entropy was one of the most relevant computed features according to principal component analysis, and it was also relevant in terms of physical interpretation. The average percentage of entropy increase was 19.81% in the green and blue channels, while it was 16.82% in the red channel. Other relevant visual features were the skewness and kurtosis in the RGB channels; and textural information such as contrast, correlation, and variance.

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