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Soil Classification and Site Variability Analysis Based on CPT?A Case Study in the Yellow River Subaquatic Delta, China

Zhongnian Yang    
Xuesen Liu    
Lei Guo    
Yuxue Cui    
Xiuting Su and Xianzhang Ling    


The Yellow River Delta is located at the junction of the Yellow River and Bohai. The impact function from the river and the dynamics of the ocean tides make the soil composition and distribution in this area substantially complicated. In order to test the distribution and variation of the soil layers in the Yellow River Delta, the soil layers in the test area were classified and the variation was calculated using the cone penetration test (CPT). The following conclusions were drawn: (1) the soil in the measured area is mainly composed of sensitive fine-grained soil, accounting for about 70% of all soil types, and the content of sensitive fine-grained soil in the far-sea position is higher than that in the offshore position in the direction perpendicular to the coastline. (2) It has a high vertical variability index (VVI) at the near-shore location, above 45%, and a low vertical variability at the far coast, generally below 20%. (3) The horizontal variability index (HVI) changes significantly near the coast, and it remains below 45% in the test area.

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