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Inicio  /  Hydrology  /  Vol: 10 Par: 6 (2023)  /  Artículo

Purpose-Designed Hydrogeological Maps for Wide Interconnected Surface?Groundwater Systems: The Test Example of Parma Alluvial Aquifer and Taro River Basin (Northern Italy)

Riccardo Pinardi    
Alessandra Feo    
Andrea Ruffini and Fulvio Celico    


Hydrogeological maps must synthesize scientific knowledge about the hydraulic features and the hydrogeological behavior of a specific area, and, at the same time, they must meet the expectations of land planners and administrators. Thus, hydrogeological maps can be fully effective when they are purpose-designed, especially in complex interconnected systems. In this case study, purpose-designed graphical solutions emphasize all the hydraulic interconnections that play significant roles in recharging the multilayered alluvial aquifer, where the majority of wells have been drilled for human purposes, artificial channels are used for agricultural purposes, and the shallow groundwater feeds protected groundwater-dependent ecosystems. The hydrogeological map was then designed to be the synthesis of three different and hydraulically interconnected main contexts: (i) the alluvial aquifer, (ii) the hydrographic basin of the Taro losing river, and (iii) those hard-rock aquifers whose springs feed the same river. The main hydrogeological map was integrated with two smaller sketches and one hydrogeological profile. One small map was drawn from a modeling perspective because it facilitates visualization of the alluvial aquifer bottom and the ?no-flow boundaries.? The other small sketch shows the artificial channel network that emphasizes the hydraulic connection between water courses and groundwater within the alluvial aquifer. The hydrogeological profile was reconstructed to be able to (i) show the main heterogeneities within the aquifer system (both layered and discontinuous), (ii) visualize the coexistence of shallower and deeper groundwater, (iii) emphasize the hydraulic interconnections between subsystems, and (iv) suggest the coexistence of groundwater pathways with different mean residence times.

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