The present study outlines the first steps in modelling lead corrosion upon contact with an anaerobic HCI solution. These developments, completed with COMSOL Multiphysics, were carried out in dimension 1 of space. This process took place across several stages such that each could be studied and validated. This article presents the governing equations, parameters, and results of these simulations. When lead is immersed in a deaerated HCl solution, its dissolution leads to saturation of the electrolyte with the consequent precipitation of corrosion product. The PbCl2 corrosion product is simulated with a porous domain using either fixed or variable porosity. The results show a PbCl2 development that takes place through growth in space as well as through densification. The simulation highlights the fact that the PbCl2 layer is more compact near the surface of the electrode in accordance with the place of creation of the lead ions. These simulation results are compared with experimental data that validate the first approach.