The Eurocode 7 or EC7 is the Reference Design Code (RDC) for geotechnical design including rock engineering design within the European Union (EU). Moreover, its principles have also been adopted by several other countries, becoming a key design standard for geotechnical engineering worldwide. It is founded on limit state design (LSD) concepts, and the reliability of design is provided mainly by a semi-probabilistic method based on partial factors. The use of partial factors is currently an advantage, mainly for the simplicity in its applicability, and a limitation, especially concerning geotechnical designs. In fact, the application of partial factors to geotechnical design has proven to be difficult. In this paper, the authors focus on the way to apply EC7 principles to rock engineering design by analyzing the design of rockfall protection structures as an example. A real case of slope subjected to rockfall is reported to outline the peculiarity connected to rock engineering. The main findings are related to the complementarity of the reliability-based design (RBD) approach within EC7 principles and the possibility of overcoming the limitations of a partial factor approach to this type of engineering problem.