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Inicio  /  Clean Technologies  /  Vol: 5 Par: 2 (2023)  /  Artículo

Moving towards Greener Road Transportation: A Review

Nick Rigogiannis    
Ioannis Bogatsis    
Christos Pechlivanis    
Anastasios Kyritsis and Nick Papanikolaou    


Road transportation accounts for about 20% of the total GHG emissions in the EU. Nowadays, the substitution of conventional fossil fuel-based ICEs with electric engines, or their hybridization, operating along with Energy Storage Systems, seems to be the most appropriate measure to achieve reductions in both fuel consumption and GHGs. However, EVs encounter crucial challenges, such as long charging time and limited driving range. Hence, the transition to the mass adoption of EVs requires considerable effort and time. However, significant steps have been taken in the hybridization of road vehicles, with the aid of renewables and energy recovery/saving systems. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive literature review of modern green technologies for GHG reduction that are applicable to road transportation, such as on-vehicle energy harvesting and recovery (e.g., thermal, kinetic, etc.) systems and the incorporation of RES into EV charging stations. The impact of road vehicles on the environment is discussed in detail, along with the EU roadmap towards the decarbonization of transportation. Next, methods and techniques for fuel consumption and GHG reduction are systematically presented and categorized into on-vehicle and off-vehicle ones. Finally, a future outlook on more environmentally friendly road transportation is presented.

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