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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 7 (2019)  /  Artículo

Centrosymmetric Optical Vortex

Hao Zhang    
Xinzhong Li    
Haixiang Ma    
Miaomiao Tang    
Hehe Li and Yangjian Cai    


We report on a novel optical vortex, named as centrosymmetric optical vortex (CSOV), which is constructed via four conventional optical vortices (OVs) with different topological charges (TCs). The orbital angular momentum (OAM) density satisfies centrosymmetric distribution. Meanwhile, it is confined within a single ring whose radius is determined by the cone angle of an axicon. Furthermore, its magnitude and distribution are modulated by a parameter determined via the TCs of the four OVs, named as phase reconstruction factor. Our work provides a novel detached asymmetric light field, which possesses the potential application in macro-particle manipulation, especially separating cells.

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