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Ships Added Mass Effect on a Flexible Mooring Dolphin in Berthing Manoeuvre

Aleksander Grm    


This paper deals with the hydrodynamic effect of the ship on a flexible dolphin during a mooring manoeuvre. The hydrodynamic effect refers to the change in momentum of the surrounding fluid, which is defined by the concept of added mass. The main reason for the present study is to answer the question, ?What is the effect of the added mass compared to the mass of the ship during the mooring procedure for a particular type of ship?? Measured angular frequencies of dolphin oscillations showed that the mathematical model can be approximated by the zero frequency limit. This simplifies the problem to some extent. The mooring is a pure rocking motion, and the 3D study is approximated by the strip theory approach. Moreover, the calculations were performed with conformal mapping using conformal Lewis mapping for the hull geometry. The fluid flow is assumed to be non-viscous, non-rotating and incompressible. The results showed that the additional mass effect must be taken into account when calculating the flexible dolphin loads.

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