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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 19 (2022)  /  Artículo

Calibration and Testing of Discrete Element Simulation Parameters for Sandy Soils in Potato Growing Areas

Junru Li    
Shengshi Xie    
Fei Liu    
Yaping Guo    
Chenglong Liu    
Zhenyu Shang and Xuan Zhao    


To improve the accuracy of discrete element simulation in the process of separating potato?soil mixtures, the contact parameters of sandy soil with 3, 6, 9, and 12% water content were calibrated in DEM simulation using EDEM software simulation. The error of the rest angle between them was used as an index, and the approach of performing only one simulation and multiple Box?Behnken response surface analyses was proposed to determine the optimal parameter combinations. Meanwhile, unconfined compression and direct shear tests were conducted to obtain the parameters of polymer bonds for soil with different water content, and a simulation was carried out using EDEM. The test results show that the significant parameters affecting the rest angle are JKR surface energy, soil interparticle recovery coefficient, and rolling friction factor. The numerical simulation of the rest angle was compared with the physical test, and the maximum relative error between them was 4.72%. The bond parameters of soil with different water content and firmness were obtained and compared with the simulation test, the maximum error was 6.53% for the direct shear test and 8.07% for the unconfined compression test, which proved that the bonding parameters are reliable and provide an effective parametric and theoretical basis for the discrete element simulation of soil particles.

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