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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 17 Par: 3 (2024)  /  Artículo

On the Need for Accurate Brushstroke Segmentation of Tablet-Acquired Kinematic and Pressure Data: The Case of Unconstrained Tracing

Karly S. Franz    
Grace Reszetnik and Tom Chau    


Brushstroke segmentation algorithms are critical in computer-based analysis of fine motor control via handwriting, drawing, or tracing tasks. Current segmentation approaches typically rely only on one type of feature, either spatial, temporal, kinematic, or pressure. We introduce a segmentation algorithm that leverages both spatiotemporal and pressure features to accurately identify brushstrokes during a tracing task. The algorithm was tested on both a clinical and validation dataset. Using validation trials with incorrectly identified brushstrokes, we evaluated the impact of segmentation errors on commonly derived biomechanical features used in the literature to detect graphomotor pathologies. The algorithm exhibited robust performance on validation and clinical datasets, effectively identifying brushstrokes while simultaneously eliminating spurious, noisy data. Spatial and temporal features were most affected by incorrect segmentation, particularly those related to the distance between brushstrokes and in-air time, which experienced propagated errors of 99% and 95%, respectively. In contrast, kinematic features, such as velocity and acceleration, were minimally affected, with propagated errors between 0 to 12%. The proposed algorithm may help improve brushstroke segmentation in future studies of handwriting, drawing, or tracing tasks. Spatial and temporal features derived from tablet-acquired data should be considered with caution, given their sensitivity to segmentation errors and instrumentation characteristics.

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