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Experimental Study of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Submerged Floating Tunnel under Freak Wave (II: Time-Frequency Domain Study)

Wenbo Pan    
Cheng Cui and Meng He    


A freak wave is a spike in a random wave series and hence the local characteristics in the time-domain are of key importance. When freak waves act on moored floating structures, the dynamic responses of the structures in the time and frequency domains change interdependently in a short period of time. It is difficult to comprehensively and accurately describe this physical process using a single-dimensional analysis method, such as time-domain statistical analysis or frequency-domain spectral analysis. The wavelet analysis method, which can simultaneously provide the time-domain and frequency-domain joint information of the physical process, is used to discuss the time-frequency joint variation characteristics of the dynamic responses of a two-dimensional submerged floating tunnel under a freak wave. The time-frequency characteristics of the dynamic responses induced by the freak wave and the differences from the action under random waves are investigated, with a particular emphasis on the ?convex variation? characteristics of the dynamic responses under a freak wave. The results show that: (1) The wavelet analysis method can effectively describe the basic characteristics of the dynamic responses of the SFT under a freak wave and clearly distinguish the differences in dynamic responses under freak and random waves. (2) Freak waves have dynamic amplification effects, which are related to the freak wave parameter a1, on a two-dimensional SFT. Following the action of freak waves on a two-dimensional SFT, significant energy concentration occurs in the time-frequency spectrum of the dynamic response in a certain time and frequency range. The degree of energy concentration increases nonlinearly with an increase in a1, and a certain high-frequency energy appears in the time-frequency spectrum of the motion response. The maximum values of the time-frequency spectra of the dynamic responses under a freak wave are much larger than those under a random wave with the identical wave spectrum. (3) Following the action of a freak wave on a two-dimensional SFT, the generalised energy spectra of surge, heave, pitch, and mooring tensions have convex peak values, which occur simultaneous with the occurrence of the freak wave, and the convex parts significantly increase as a1. (4) The time lengths of the influence of a freak wave on the dynamic responses exceeded the freak wave period. With an increase in a1, the time ranges of the large values of the time-frequency spectra of surge, heave, pitch, and mooring tensions increase nearly linearly.

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