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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 19 (2023)  /  Artículo

Effect of Wheel Path in Raster Grinding on Surface Accuracy of an Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror

Jianhe Li    
Honggang Li    
Xiaoguang Guo    
Renke Kang and Shang Gao    


Off-axis parabolic mirrors have extensive applications in X-ray optics, with the precision of their curvature directly impacting grazing-incidence focusing performance. Notably, the off-axis parabolic surface has non-rotating and non-symmetrical characteristics. Ultra-precision raster grinding utilizing a diamond wheel is a common method. Crucially, establishing an optimal wheel path stands as the key to ensuring surface accuracy during off-axis paraboloid grinding. In this study, according to the double curvature property of an off-axis parabolic surface, two different wheel paths were compared: one tracing the meridian direction (parabolic generatrix) and the other following the arc vector direction (arc). The results showed that the wheel path in raster grinding stepping along the arc vector direction can obtain a smaller scallop height and higher surface accuracy. The surface accuracy of one step along the arc vector direction is 9.6 µm, and that of the other step along the meridian direction is 32.6 µm. A model of the scallop height was established based on the relative relationship between adjacent wheel paths, and the error is within 5%. According to the correlation between scallop height and shape error, we conducted an analysis of the spatial distribution of shape errors under varying wheel paths. The wheel path that steps along the arc vector is more suitable for raster grinding of the off-axis paraboloid. The above study can provide theoretical guidance for the wheel path planning of off-axis parabolic mirrors with high surface accuracy.

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