Prognostic techniques play a critical role in predicting upcoming faults and failures in machinery or a system by monitoring any deviation in the operation. This paper presents a novel method to analyze multidimensional sensory data and use its characteristics in bearing health prognostics. Firstly, detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is exploited to evaluate the long-range correlations in ball bearing vibration data. The results reveal the existence of the crossover phenomenon in vibration data with two scaling exponents at the short-range and long-range scales. Among several data sets, applying the DFA method to vibration signals shows a consistent increase in the short-range scaling exponent toward bearing failure. Finally, Kendall?s tau is used as a ranking coefficient to quantify the trend in the scaling exponent. It was found that the Kendall?s tau coefficient of the vibration scaling exponent could provide an early warning signal (EWS) for bearing failure.