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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2018)  /  Artículo

Assessing the Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional Gravity Wave Model Equations Using Dam-Break Experimental Measurements

Wenjun Liu    
Bo Wang    
Yunliang Chen    
Chao Wu and Xin Liu    


The one-dimensional gravity wave model (GWM) is the result of ignoring the convection term in the Saint-Venant Equations (SVEs), and has the characteristics of fast numerical calculation and low stability requirements. To study its performances and limitations in 1D dam-break flood, this paper verifies the model using a dam-break experiment. The experiment was carried out in a large-scale flume with depth ratios (initial downstream water depth divided by upstream water depth) divided into 0 and 0.1~0.4. The data were collected by image processing technology, and the hydraulic parameters, such as water depth, flow discharge, and wave velocity, were selected for comparison. The experimental results show that the 1D GWM performs an area with constant hydraulic parameters, which is quite different from the experimental results in the dry downstream case. For a depth ratio of 0.1, the second weak discontinuity point, which is connected to the steady zone in the 1D GWM, moves upstream, which is contrary to the experimental situation. For depth ratios of 0.2~0.4, the moving velocity of the second weak discontinuity point is faster than the experimental value, while the velocity of the shock wave is slower. However, as the water depth ratio increases, the hydraulic parameters calculated by 1D GWM in the steady zone gradually approach the experimental value.

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