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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 16 (2022)  /  Artículo

A Quick Development Toolkit for Augmented Reality Visualization (QDARV) of a Factory

Chengjun Chen    
Runbei Liang    
Yong Pan    
Dongnian Li    
Zhengxu Zhao    
Yang Guo and Qinghai Zhang    


Augmented reality (AR) technology has been applied to the industrial field; however, at present, most industrial AR applications are developed for specific application scenarios, which are difficult to develop and have a long development cycle, and lack universality. To this end, this paper proposed a quick development toolkit for augmented reality visualization (QDARV) of a factory by using the script configuration and parsing approach. With QDARV, designers can quickly develop industrial AR applications, achieve AR registration based on quick response (QR) code and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and superpose information such as disassembly animations, industrial instruments, pictures, and texts on real scenes. In QDARV, an AR registration method based on SLAM map reloading is proposed. Through saving and reloading the map and the configuration and analysis of the SLAM-AR display content script, the AR scene configured by the designer is displayed. Meanwhile, the objects detected using YOLOv5 are used as a landmark to assist the SLAM system in positioning. The QDARV can be applied to realize AR visualization of factories with a large area.

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