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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 15 Par: 6 (2022)  /  Artículo

Multi-Color Channels Based Group Sparse Model for Image Restoration

Yanfen Kong    
Caiyue Zhou    
Chuanyong Zhang    
Lin Sun and Chongbo Zhou    


The group sparse representation (GSR) model combines local sparsity and nonlocal similarity in image processing, and achieves excellent results. However, the traditional GSR model and all subsequent improved GSR models convert the RGB space of the image to YCbCr space, and only extract the Y (luminance) channel of YCbCr space to change the color image to a gray image for processing. As a result, the image processing process cannot be loyal to each color channel, so the repair effect is not ideal. A new group sparse representation model based on multi-color channels is proposed in this paper. The model processes R, G and B color channels simultaneously when processing color images rather than processing a single color channel and then combining the results of different channels. The proposed multi-color-channels-based GSR model is compared with state-of-the-art methods. The experimental contrast results show that the proposed model is an effective method and can obtain good results in terms of objective quantitative metrics and subjective visual effects.

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