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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 12 Par: 8 (2019)  /  Artículo

Equisum Partitions of Sets of Positive Integers

Roger B. Eggleton    


Let ?? V be a finite set of positive integers with sum equal to a multiple of the integer ?? b . When does ?? V have a partition into ?? b parts so that all parts have equal sums? We develop algorithmic constructions which yield positive, albeit incomplete, answers for the following classes of set ?? V , where ?? n is a given positive integer: (1) an initial interval {???Z+:??=??} { a ? Z + : a = n } ; (2) an initial interval of primes {???P:??=??} { p ? P : p = n } , where P P is the set of primes; (3) a divisor set {???Z+:??|??} { d ? Z + : d | n } ; (4) an aliquot set {???Z+:??|??, ??

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