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Inicio  /  Computation  /  Vol: 10 Par: 10 (2022)  /  Artículo

Scrutinizing Dynamic Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Large Eddy Simulations for Turbulent Channel Flows

Martin Gehrke and Thomas Rung    


This technical paper outlines the predictive performance of a recently published dynamic cumulant lattice Boltzmann method (C-LBM) to model turbulent shear flows at all resolutions. Emphasis is given to a simple strategy that avoids a frequently observed velocity overshoot phenomenon near rigid walls when combining the C-LBM with an all-resolution (universal) wall function. The examples included are confined to turbulent channel flow results for a variety of friction Reynolds numbers within 180 and 50,000, obtained on a sequence of isotropic, homogeneous grids that feature non-dimensional lattice spacings using inner coordinates from 4 to 2200. The results indicate that adjusting the near-wall distance of the first fluid node, i.e., the intersection of the wall with the first lattice edge, to the resolution provides a reasonably simple, robust, and accurate supplement to the all-resolution C-LBM approach. The investigated wall function/C-LBM combination displays a remarkable predictive performance for all investigated resolutions.

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