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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 15 Par: 6 (2022)  /  Artículo

Topic Modeling for Automatic Analysis of Natural Language: A Case Study in an Italian Customer Support Center

Gabriele Papadia    
Massimo Pacella and Vincenzo Giliberti    


This paper focuses on the automatic analysis of conversation transcriptions in the call center of a customer care service. The goal is to recognize topics related to problems and complaints discussed in several dialogues between customers and agents. Our study aims to implement a framework able to automatically cluster conversation transcriptions into cohesive and well-separated groups based on the content of the data. The framework can alleviate the analyst selecting proper values for the analysis and the clustering processes. To pursue this goal, we consider a probabilistic model based on the latent Dirichlet allocation, which associates transcriptions with a mixture of topics in different proportions. A case study consisting of transcriptions in the Italian natural language, and collected in a customer support center of an energy supplier, is considered in the paper. Performance comparison of different inference techniques is discussed using the case study. The experimental results demonstrate the approach?s efficacy in clustering Italian conversation transcriptions. It also results in a practical tool to simplify the analytic process and off-load the parameter tuning from the end-user. According to recent works in the literature, this paper may be valuable for introducing latent Dirichlet allocation approaches in topic modeling for the Italian natural language.

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